Verification and Refutation of Behavioral Contracts with Higher-Order Symbolic Execution
David Van Horn
Behavioral software contracts are a widely used mechanism for governing the flow of values between components. However, run-time monitoring and enforcement of contracts imposes significant overhead and delays discovery of faulty components to run-time.
In this talk, I will present our work on soft contract verification, which overcomes the above issues by proving contract correctness or producing a counterexample.
The approach is able to analyze first-class contracts, recursive data structures, unknown functions, and control-flow-sensitive refinements of values, which are all idiomatic in dynamic languages. It makes effective use of an off-the-shelf solver to decide problems without heavy encodings. Our theoretical results include soundness and relative completeness. The approach is competitive with a wide range of existing tools—including type systems, flow analyzers, and model checkers—on their own benchmarks.
Joint work with Phuc C. Nguyen (UMD) and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (IU)