Closure Optimization
R. Kent Dybvig
First-class procedures, i.e., indefinite extent procedural objects that retain the values of lexically scoped variables, were incorporated into the design of the Scheme programming language in 1975 and within a few years started appearing in functional languages such as ML. It has taken many years, but they are fast becoming commonplace, with their inclusion in contemporary languages such as Javascript.
First-class procedures are often represented at run time as closures. A closure is a first-class object encapsulating some representation of a procedure’s code (e.g., the starting address of its machine code) along with some representation of the lexical environment. In 1984, Cardelli introduced the notion of flat closures. A flat closure resembles a vector, with a code slot plus one slot for each free variable. Flat closures have the useful property that each free variable is accessible with a single indirect. They also hold onto no more of the environment than the procedure might require.
In this talk, I will describe some optimizations of the flat-closure model that can reduce closure-creation costs and eliminate some indirects without ever losing the useful features of flat closures. I will also describe how these optimizations are implemented by Chez Scheme’s compiler. Some of these optimizations have been performed by Chez Scheme since 1992, although they have never been published except in the form of a challenge assignment for a compiler course at Indiana University. The remainder have been incorporated only recently.