
Lim & Reps’ Transformer Specification Language (TSL) system comprises a domain-specific programming language for specifying the semantics of a processor at the level of the instruction set architecture, together with a run-time system for generating static analysis engines for executables compiled for that instruction set. TSL’s ability to generate static analysis engines from ISA specifications makes it a powerful tool for analyzing executables, but it’s of limited value if the ISA specifications are wrong in the first place. We are therefore interested in verifying the correctness of TSL’s ISA specifications.

In this talk, which presents the work I did this summer in collaboration with Dave Melski and the research team at GrammaTech, I will describe how we leverage the TSL system itself to test TSL’s ISA specifications, by generating a CPU emulator that can then be tested in comparison to a physical processor. I’ll cover some of the interesting aspects of the emulator testing framework we implemented, including a mechanism that allows the emulator’s state to be lazily initialized from a running Linux process. Finally, I’ll discuss how our emulator testing framework might be extended to support testing of abstract emulators that have an abstract interpreter at their core, in addition to the concrete CPU emulators it supports now.