List of All Events
2013.04.5. Boxing for Diamonds: Modal logic and its applications Zachary Sparks
2013.03.29. Enhancing work-stealing runtimes with concurrency Chris Zakian and Tim Zakian
2013.03.8. Linear Dependent Types For Differential Privacy Marco Gaboardi
2013.03.1. GPU Programming in Rust: Implementing High-level Abstractions in a Systems-level Language Eric Holk
2013.02.22. Having Fun in a Turing Tarpit Jason Hemann
2013.02.8. A case of Study in Language Based Information Flow Security: RDR Language Doaa Hassan
2013.02.1. Probabilistic programming and equational reasoning Chung-chieh Shan
2013.01.18. Formalizing the left-chiastic simply-typed lambda calculus, or: What I did last summer Wren Thornton
2012.12.14. miniKanren: Challenges and Opportunities Will Byrd
2012.12.7. SIGRONAK Wonks
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