open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
  using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂; Σ; ; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax)
  renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open import Function using (_∘_)
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; cong; cong₂; sym)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning

module Tutorial where

{- Extensionality asserts that the only way to
   distinguish functions is by applying them;
   if two functions applied to the same argument
   always yield the same result, then they are
   the same function. - plfa -}
  extensionality :  {X Y : Set} {f g : X  Y}
     (∀ (x : X)  f x  g x)
     f  g

module DT where
  open import Data.Fin
  open import Data.Maybe

    Dependently typed programming.

  -- Value depends on type.
  t : Set
  t = Maybe 

  -- Type depends on value.
  a : Fin 42
  a = zero

  -- Yes we can Unicode.
  a₁ a₂ : Fin 42
  a₁ = suc zero; a₂ = fromℕ 41

module ListReasoning where

  open import Data.List
  open import Data.List.Properties

  map-snoc :  {X Y : Set}
     (f : X  Y)
     (x : X)
     (xs : List X)
     map f (xs ∷ʳ x)  (map f xs) ∷ʳ (f x)
  map-snoc f x [] = refl
  map-snoc f x (x₁  xs) =
      f x₁  map f (xs ++ [ x ])
        ≡⟨ cong    f x₁  ) (map-++-commute f xs (x  [])) 
      f x₁  ((map f xs) ++ [ f x ])
      (f x₁  map f xs) ∷ʳ f x

  map∘reverse≡reverse∘map :  {X Y : Set}
     (f : X  Y)
     (xs : List X)
     ((map f)  reverse) xs  (reverse  (map f)) xs
  map∘reverse≡reverse∘map f [] = refl
  map∘reverse≡reverse∘map f (x  xs) =
    let iH = map∘reverse≡reverse∘map f xs in
      ((map f)  reverse) (x  xs)
        ≡⟨ cong (map f) (unfold-reverse x xs) 
      map f (reverse xs ∷ʳ x)
        ≡⟨ map-snoc f x (reverse xs) 
      (map f (reverse xs)) ∷ʳ (f x)
        ≡⟨ cong     ∷ʳ f x) iH 
      reverse (map f xs) ∷ʳ (f x)
        ≡⟨ sym (unfold-reverse (f x) (map f xs)) 
      (reverse  (map f)) (x  xs)

    A B : Set

    a : A  B

  r :  (X : Set)  List X  List X
  r X = reverse

  a* : List A  List B
  a* = map a

  a*∘r≡r∘a* : (a*  (r A))  ((r B)  a*)
  a*∘r≡r∘a* = extensionality (map∘reverse≡reverse∘map a)

module FibExtEqual where

  fib-spec :   
  fib-spec 0             = 0
  fib-spec 1             = 1
  fib-spec (suc (suc k)) = (fib-spec k) + (fib-spec (suc k))

  swap-add :  ×    × 
  swap-add  n , m  =  m , n + m 

  -- repeat n times
  repeat :  {A : Set}  (A  A)  A    A
  repeat f z zero    = z
  repeat f z (suc n) = repeat f (f z) n

  -- O(n) time
  fib :   
  fib n =
    let  m , _  = repeat swap-add  0 , 1  n in m

  -- fⁿ (f a) ≡ f (fⁿ a)
  repeat-eq :  {A} (f : A  A) a n  repeat f (f a) n  f (repeat f a n)
  repeat-eq f a zero    = refl
  repeat-eq f a (suc n) = repeat-eq f (f a) n

  correctness :  n
     repeat swap-add  0 , 1  n   fib-spec n , fib-spec (suc n) 
  correctness zero = refl
  correctness (suc n) rewrite repeat-eq swap-add  0 , 1  n =
    step n (correctness n)
    step :  {p} (n : )
       p   fib-spec n , fib-spec (suc n) 
       swap-add p   fib-spec (suc n) , fib-spec (suc (suc n)) 
    step n refl = refl

  fib-correct : fib  fib-spec
  fib-correct = extensionality  n  cong proj₁ (correctness n))

module Isomorphism where
  infix 0 _≃_
  record _≃_ (A B : Set) : Set where
      to      : A  B
      from    : B  A
      from∘to :  (x : A)  from (to x)  x
      to∘from :  (y : B)  to (from y)  y

    *Pop quiz:* How is this different from the definition in PLFA?
    Why does the latter one require a canonical form?
  open import Data.Nat.Binary
    renaming (zero to zeroᵇ; suc to sucᵇ; _*_ to _*ᵇ_; _+_ to _+ᵇ_)
    hiding (toℕ; fromℕ; fromℕ')
  open import Data.Nat.Properties
    using (*-distribˡ-+; +-identityʳ; +-suc)
  open import Data.Nat.Binary.Properties
    using (x+suc[y]≡suc[x]+y)
    renaming (suc-+ to suc-+ᵇ)

  b : ℕᵇ
  -- say 101 = 1 + 2 * (2 * (1 + 0))
  b = 1+[2 2[1+ zeroᵇ ] ]

  toℕ : ℕᵇ  
  toℕ zeroᵇ    =  0
  toℕ 2[1+ b ] =  2 * (suc (toℕ b))
  toℕ 1+[2 b ] =  suc (2 * (toℕ b))

  fromℕ :   ℕᵇ
  fromℕ zero    = zeroᵇ
  fromℕ (suc n) = sucᵇ (fromℕ n)

  _ : toℕ b  5
  _ = refl

  toℕ-suc :  b  toℕ (sucᵇ b)  suc (toℕ b)
  toℕ-suc zeroᵇ    =  refl
  toℕ-suc 2[1+ b ] = cong (suc  (_*_ 2)) (toℕ-suc b)
  toℕ-suc 1+[2 b ] = *-distribˡ-+ 2 1 (toℕ b)

  to∘from :  (n : )  toℕ (fromℕ n)  n
  to∘from zero = refl
  to∘from (suc n) =
      toℕ (fromℕ (suc n))
        ≡⟨⟩ {- By definition -}
      toℕ (sucᵇ (fromℕ n))
        ≡⟨ toℕ-suc (fromℕ n) 
      suc (toℕ (fromℕ n))
        ≡⟨ cong suc (to∘from n) 
      suc n

  1+2b :  b  sucᵇ (b +ᵇ b)  1+[2 b ]
  1+2b zeroᵇ = refl
  1+2b 2[1+ b ] = cong    1+[2 (sucᵇ ) ]) (1+2b b)
  1+2b 1+[2 b ] = cong 1+[2_] (1+2b b)

  -- We cheat a bit here.
  fromℕ-distrib-+ :  n  fromℕ (n + n)  (fromℕ n) +ᵇ (fromℕ n)
  fromℕ-distrib-+ zero = refl
  fromℕ-distrib-+ (suc n)
    rewrite +-suc n n
          | suc-+ᵇ (fromℕ n) (sucᵇ (fromℕ n))
          | x+suc[y]≡suc[x]+y (fromℕ n) (fromℕ n)
          | suc-+ᵇ (fromℕ n) (fromℕ n) =
      cong    sucᵇ (sucᵇ )) (fromℕ-distrib-+ n)

  from∘to :  (b : ℕᵇ)  fromℕ (toℕ b)  b
  from∘to zeroᵇ = refl
  from∘to 2[1+ b ] rewrite +-identityʳ (toℕ b) =
      let iH : fromℕ (toℕ b)  b
          iH = from∘to b in
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b + suc (toℕ b)))
        ≡⟨ cong    sucᵇ (fromℕ )) (+-suc (toℕ b) (toℕ b)) 
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (suc (toℕ b + (toℕ b))))
      sucᵇ (sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b + toℕ b)))
        ≡⟨ cong    sucᵇ (sucᵇ )) (fromℕ-distrib-+ (toℕ b)) 
      sucᵇ (sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b) +ᵇ fromℕ (toℕ b)))
        ≡⟨ cong₂  □₁ □₂  sucᵇ (sucᵇ (□₁ +ᵇ □₂))) iH iH 
      sucᵇ (sucᵇ (b +ᵇ b))
        ≡⟨ cong sucᵇ (1+2b b) 
      sucᵇ 1+[2 b ]
      2[1+ b ]
    -- *Pop quiz:* why doesn't this one work?
    let iH = from∘to 1+[2 b ] in
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b + suc (toℕ b + 0)))
        ≡⟨ cong (λ □ → sucᵇ (fromℕ □)) (+-suc (toℕ b) (toℕ b + 0)) ⟩
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (suc (toℕ b + (toℕ b + 0))))
      sucᵇ (sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b + (toℕ b + 0))))
        ≡⟨ cong sucᵇ iH ⟩
      sucᵇ 1+[2 b ]
      2[1+ b ]
  from∘to 1+[2 b ] rewrite +-identityʳ (toℕ b) =
    let iH : fromℕ (toℕ b)  b
        iH = from∘to b in
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b + toℕ b))
        ≡⟨ cong sucᵇ (fromℕ-distrib-+ (toℕ b)) 
      sucᵇ (fromℕ (toℕ b) +ᵇ fromℕ (toℕ b))
        ≡⟨ cong₂  □₁ □₂  sucᵇ (□₁ +ᵇ □₂)) iH iH 
      sucᵇ (b +ᵇ b)
        ≡⟨ 1+2b b 
      1+[2 b ]

  ℕᵇ≃ℕ : ℕᵇ  
  ℕᵇ≃ℕ = record {
           to = toℕ ;
           from = fromℕ ;
           from∘to = from∘to ;
           to∘from = to∘from

  Working with proof assistants can be tedious and annoying at times:
  So good luck! :-P