List of All Events
2011.09.9. Tasks and Communication in Rust Eric Holk
2011.09.2. ConceptClang: An Implementation of C++ Concepts in Clang Larisse Voufo
2011.04.22. Ftypes: structured foreign data access Andrew Keep
2011.04.15. Animatronic kittehs, 3D printers, and rogue game studios, or, Why computer science education should be just-in-time, not just-in-case, and why (epic) failure should always be an option Will Byrd
2011.04.8. Code Contracts in a World of Uncertainty Michael Hansen
2011.04.1. Hygiene Reconsidered Michael D. Adams
2011.03.25. The Connection Machine Eric Holk
2011.03.11. ConceptClang Prototype Update Larisse Voufo
2011.03.4. Information effects and their categorical models Roshan P. James
2011.02.25. Aspects of Parallelism in DSI (1977-1995) Steve Johnson
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